6 Number 8 (68 of 88)
This issue of Popular Flying magazine features NO “Biggles” story. The last “Biggles” story was published in the May 1934 issue
This issue runs from page 425 to page 484 (60 pages)
430 – Dawn Patrol – A photograph of a Hawker Demon of No. 64 Squadron,
silhouetted against a dawn sky during recent exercises.
431 – The Editor’s Cockpit – W. E. Johns
subtitled – Johns goes into some detail about a recent holiday in France and
says he went to the pictures there and saw a graphic film about the bombing of
Shanghai – “War isn’t war any longer.
It is just wholesale carnage, the turning of a town into a vast
slaughter house. What have these poor
devils of Chinese done, whose mangled remains I saw being forked into carts
like so much manure?”. “I’ll tell you
this. Conscription or no conscription,
I shall never drop another bomb – unless it be on the Japanese war-lords’ headquarters. And I would do, at this moment, with the
greatest possible satisfaction, for even now, when I close my eyes, I can still
see that dreadful picture of Shanghai.”)
433 – King’s Cup Air Race - 1937
sixteenth race has been flown and won”)
memorable and magnificent accomplishment has just been completed by pilots of
Imperial Airways. This is the conquest
of the Atlantic Ocean by air – the last great air route which for nearly 20
years has both attracted the adventurous and defied subjection. The completion of ten crossings between
England and America via the hazardous direct route by those two courageous
Commanders Capt. A. S. Wilcockson and Capt. G. J. Powell and their men, is the
most solid triumph of which civil aviation can yet boast.” The picture that accompanies this article
shows a Liner that looks remarkably like the “Titanic”. This is the “Aquitania” which was launched
exactly a year and a week after the “Titanic” sank on 14th April
438 – Trans – Canada – The story behind the trans-Canada air mail – Edward
442 – Haven of the War Birds – W. J. Boylhart
fascinating article about the Jarrett Museum of World War History, on a large
New Jersey farm in the United States)
446 – Planes and Personalities – by “Observer”
Page 448 – So That Fools May Fly – W. R. A.
article about various flying inventions)
452 – An Artist who Foresaw the Air Raid
futuristic pictures by the artist Albert Robida, born in Spain in 1848, but who lived and worked in Paris, who
painted aerial wars in 1869)
453 – A colour full page advert for Lockheed “Airdraulic” Shock-Absorber Struts
454 and 455 – The Centre Pages – Untitled – Five glossy black and white
aviation photographs
Click here
to see a much larger picture of the cover artwork – the artist is Howard Leigh