6 Number 6 (66 of 88)
This issue of Popular Flying magazine features NO “Biggles” story. The last “Biggles” story was published in the May 1934 issue
This issue runs from page 309 to page 368 (60 pages)
314 – On High! – A photograph of trainee pilots on the “sunny side” during cloud
flying practice.
315 – The Editor’s Cockpit – W. E. Johns
subtitled – Johns talks about problems with the Air Ministry, particularly the
lack of publication of “The Air Pilot” – the airman’s Bible – when so many
regulations refer to it. He also goes
on to point out how complex it is to fly from Lympne to Southampton, a distance
of only 110 miles that should take about 30 minutes and complain about the
off-putting charges to land at Jersey Airport.)
318 – The International Gliding Competition 1937 – Wasserkuppe, Germany – J. R.
Ashwell Cooke
author went to Wasserkuppe for the meeting)
324 – Scout Versus
Two-Seater – A Scout Pilot’s Reply – Captain J. E. Doyle, D.F.C.
article is a reply to an article in the May 1937 issue of Popular Flying where W.
E. Johns exalts the two-seater at the expense of the
326 – “What I and my Friends did for Spain ….” – Major Rayneau
you and your friends have done for Spain will never be forgotten by us” said
General Franco to the author when he decorated him with the ribbon of the Order
of Saint Ferdinand after the taking of Toledo.
“While flying for Franco I participated in twenty-four air fights, I
served as a spy in Madrid, I led one hundred and fifty Foreign Legionnaires
into Toledo, I watched between twenty-five and fifty executions a day from a
jail in Barcelona and, finally, I shot my best friend”. The killing of the author’s best friend was
the shooting down of an opposing aircraft without the knowledge of whom the
pilot was. When later he saw the
pilot’s body it was a very close friend of his.)
328 – Contacts Innumerable – J. D. V. Holmes
following collection of experiences was gained during a four years’ air tour of
Great Britain”)
333 – McCudden on Air Fighting
in 1918, Major “Jimmy” McCudden , then at the height of his fame, was asked by
the Air Ministry to write some notes for the guidance of fighter pilots then
under training. We have just secured a
copy of the report, which is reproduced below. – Ed”)
article about the first flight in Canada on February 23rd 1909.
A telegram about it was sent to a London
newspaper by Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone.)
337 – A colour full page advert for Lockheed Hydraulic Actuation
338 and 339 – The Centre Pages – Untitled – Six glossy black and white aviation
(Items include the following – “It is estimated that between 2,000,000 and 3,000,000 photographs will be used in a great composite air map of the United States which is now being prepared” – a forerunner of Google Earth! Also, special cheap one-day return tickets are now available from London to Rotterdam and Amsterdam. The return fares are: To Rotterdam £7, 10s and: To Amsterdam, £8, 5s.)
account of the trials of Ferdinand von Zeppelin in getting his dirigible built
and flying. His first one cost £10,000
and flew at 20 mph when the land speed record was only 65 mph. The test flight was a triumph and then von
Zeppelin was a popular and respected man.)
Click here
to see a much larger picture of the cover artwork – the artist is Howard Leigh