5 Number 8 (56 of 88)
This issue of Popular Flying magazine features NO “Biggles” story. The last “Biggles” story was published in the May 1934 issue
This issue runs from page 385 to page 440 (56 pages)
388 – The More We Are Together – Bulldogs of the Bristol breed flying “on the
sunny side” near London during the recent air operations
389 – The Editor’s Cockpit – W. E. Johns
– Here and There – “My wife maintains that the most dignified way of arriving
at a place is by private yacht – always assuming, of course, that there is a
drop or two of water handy. She may be
right. I have never arrived anywhere by
private yacht ……….” Johns talks about
the speed and efficiency of air travel and his three week holiday. He has visited the grave of Richard the
Lionheart and asks “How many people in the land for which he fought could name
his grave? Not on in ten thousand. No, I’m not going to tell you where it is”.
- For the curious, I understand that his brain was buried at the abbey of
Charroux in Poitou, his heart was buried at Rouen in Normandy and the rest of
his body was buried at the feet of his father at Fontevraund Abbey in Anjou
Johns goes on to talk about women. “I know very little about women. There have been times when I thought I
should like to know more. That I ought
to know more, in fact ……There are many things a woman can do and still remain
what poets have so often told us women are.
Flying is one of them. Go to it,
madam. We’d sooner be left guessing
about what is underneath your Sidcot than have it flaunted, mud bespattered, in
our faces.”
391 – Facts about the Record and Equipment
28th September (1936) Squadron Leader F. R. D. Swaine of the Royal
Air Force established a new World’s altitude record with a height of 49,967
392 – The Johannesburg Air Race – Charles W. A. Scott (Aviation Editor of the
“News Chronicle”)
395 – Air Fighting in Spain – Charles Kennett
has just returned to England after fighting for a month in the Spanish Air
397 – Aviation as a Career – From a Woman’s Point of View – Pauline Gower
author explains why it is “a career to which are temperamentally suited. Piloting needs little physical strength, and
indeed is the better for a light hand.
I would add here that a woman who knows herself to be excitable,
hysterical or nervous should never take up aviation; and a word to the
absent-minded would not be out of place.
A moment’s mental aberration may cause not only inconvenience, but loss
of life”)
399 – Modern Aircraft – The A. S. 6 “Envoy” Series II
400 – The Growth of Civil Aviation in India – I. G. P. Singh
404 – The British Burnelli Aeroplane – William Courtenay
406 – Shooting the ‘Chute – Parachute Jumping as a Sport – H. and B. von Roemer
(adapted by Carmichael Earl (John’s son)
article about parachuting and using trainer towers abroad has the ominous
sentence “With the increasing number of large-capacity troop-carriers available
in all the major air forces of the world, the parachute landing of troops in
enemy territories is becoming every year a more practical proposition ……….”)
408 – Would You Believe It? – Nigel Tangye
article is about the development of Civil Aviation since 1919)
Page 411 – Pick Your Stars – Shots from the
new films
shots are from “The Sky Parade” and “It’s in the Air”)
412 and 413 – The Centre Pages – Official Squadron Crests of the Royal Air
416 – My Most Thrilling Flight – Flight-Lieut W. E. Knowlden
no mention of the Spitfire)
419 – More Memories – The Coward – W. E. J(ohns)
is a magazine to which W. E. Johns
regularly contributed but in the 1930’s did not feature the naked ladies that
the title tends to bring to mind)
Click here
to see a much larger picture of the cover artwork – the artist is Howard Leigh